Joining Our Order
Those who are interested in becoming part of our order should review our website and Rule and reflect upon whether they are called to our vocation and ministry. If so, they can begin the application process through the form linked below or by contacting us directly.
If an applicant is accepted, they will enter our order as a postulant and will complete a period of formation and discernment guided by a spiritual mentor. Upon completion of the postulancy period, the postulant makes a commitment to our way of life as New Monastics, and becomes a novice of our order. After the novitiate, novices can become companions (full members).
The term "companion" comes from the early Apostolic Church, when the Apostles Peter and John were testifying before the Sanhedrin: The members of the Council (Sanhedrin) were amazed to see how bold Peter and John were and to learn that they were ordinary men of no education. They realized then that they had been companions of Jesus (Acts 4:13).
In addition, CHS has an oblate option. Oblates are those connected to the order but are not seeking membership and the responsibilities associated with it. This option is ideal for those within religious communities that do not allow dual-memberships or for those who cannot commit to a full-time vocation due to other life obligations.
If you feel called to a New Monastic way of life, you can inquire through the form linked below.