Frequently Asked Questions
What is New Monasticism?
New Monasticism is a movement seeking to revive the Church through discipleship and prayer in a similar way as traditional monasticism. Historically, monastics would live in isolation as hermits or in secluded communities within monasteries. In fact, the term "monastic" comes from the Greek term monos (one, alone). Unlike traditional monastic communities, however, New Monasticism seeks to bring discipleship and prayer back into the world rather than retreating from it, especially considering the recent decline of the Church. (This is similar to the Augustinian and Franciscan approaches to monasticism.) Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer stated, "the restoration of the church will surely come only from a new type of monasticism which has nothing in common with the old but a complete lack of compromise in a life lived in accordance with the Sermon on the Mount in the discipleship of Christ."
What is a religious order?
A religious order is a community and organization that exists for a specific religious function or devotion, especially within the context of Christian monasticism. Like most religious orders, we maintain a variety of ministries both within traditional churches and without. While most of us minister within the Convergent Catholic Communion, we do have members and associates who serve within other denominations.
Who can join?
Our order is ecumenical and inclusive. We welcome Christians of all backgrounds - regardless of anyone’s denomination, political party, class, race, gender, sexual orientation, or age. In addition to being ecumenical, like many other New Monastic orders, we follow a practice of integrated monasticism. Traditionally, monastic communities separate themselves by denominations and rites of the Church, by gender, by charism, and by marital status. As an integrated New Monastic order, we bring together all expressions of the Christian Church. We are open to all denominations; single, married, and celibate members; hermits and communities; contemporary and traditional; and contemplative and charismatic spirituality.
What ministries do we offer?
We offer a variety of ministries. Each of our members have their own local ministries, and we have chapters in Phoenix, AZ and Osceola, MO. In addition, our order provides intercessory prayer and distributes prayer rules and rosaries. More information can be found in the ministries tab above. Please contact us if you are interested in joining or are in need of prayer, the Sacraments, or other rites or services.
What is the Convergent Catholic Communion (CCC)?
The CCC (www.convergentcatholics.com) is a communion of affirming churches and ministries within the Convergence and Independent Catholic movements. We bring together the major historic streams of Christian tradition; we are Evangelical (Gospel-focused), Charismatic (Spirit-filled), and Sacramental (Liturgy-based). In addition, unlike most Convergent Christians, we are an open, affirming, and grace-filled Communion believing that Christ’s love and ministry are open to all - regardless of anyone’s denominational background, political party, class, race, gender, sexual orientation, or age. We are all one in Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 3:11). While Companions of the Holy Spirit is ecumenical, we are a covenanted member of the CCC.