Phoenix, AZ

“O Jesus, deign to open Your Loving Heart to me too, and permit me to take refuge in it, so that I may live hidden in God with You.” – from Divine Intimacy
Our Phoenix chapter serves as the headquarters for the order. This chapter is supported by the ministry of Solomon's Porch PHX. We are located at 801 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85014.
This chapter leads the prayer and study ministry of Solomon's Porch known as SoulFarer.
Fr. Columba regularly hosts online prayer services:
Matins (Morning Prayer) every Saturday at 9:00 AM Arizona Time. This service is joinable via the CHS Facebook page.
A schedule of our prayer services and local events can be found on the parish calendar.

Osceola, MO
Our local chapter in Osceola, MO is under the direction of Bishop Rebecca Pierce, a Lifelong Professed Companion of our Order.
Bishop Rebecca and her husband Fr. Steven maintain a local ministry in El Dorado Springs, MO, called Prince of Peace: www.princeofpeaceccm.com. Rebecca can be contacted at nurselaw@hotmail.com.

Dispersed Members and Oblates

Our order has members and oblates (associates) that are not affiliated with one of our local chapters. Most of these dispersed members live and work independently, and many of them maintain local ministries, church memberships, and prayer lives consistent with our rule of life.
There is a long history within Christian monasticism of communities having associates called oblates. These are people who support the order without seeking the responsibilities of membership.
If you are called to become a member or oblate of the Companions of the Holy Spirit, and there is not a local chapter near you, please contact us about dispersed membership.