The Companions of the Holy Spirit (formerly known as Kindling Fires) is a religious order rooted in New Monasticism and open to Christians from all denominations. Our way of life is committed to loving God and neighbor, working and ministering within our local communities, and praying without ceasing.
Jesus said, "Come, follow Me" (Matthew 4:19). Our order is committed to the example of the early followers of Jesus, the Church at Pentecost, the early Christian monastics (such as the desert fathers/mothers), and contemporary New Monastic communities. We are an order open to all followers of the Way of Jesus Christ. We are welcoming to all, regardless of anyone’s denominational background, political party, class, race, gender, sexual orientation, or age. We are all one in Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 3:11).
A hermit said, ‘This is the life of a monk: work, obedience, meditation, not to judge others, not to speak evil, not to murmur. For it is written, “You who love God, hate the thing that is evil” (Ps. 97:10). This is monastic life: not to live with the wicked, not to see evil, not to be inquisitive, not to be curious, not to listen to gossip, not to use the hands for taking, but for giving; not to be proud in heart or bad in thought, not to fill the belly, in everything to judge wisely. That is the life of the true monk.’
- Sayings of the Desert Fathers